Monday, June 22, 2015

Auto-pilot on Anger

I hear something.
I see something.
A new issue.
A horrible situation.
It stirs emotions,
Captures my attention.
I stew over the ideas and concepts,
In-inevitably they work their way into the way I think.


A strong emotion.
almost one of the strongest.

Unbridled -

Un-accounted -

I struggle with the natural inclination to dwell here
In this state of anger - even righteous anger
without paying attention to the direction of my momentum

Anger is a fuel.
It pushes us in a particular direction.
Self-control is my hands on the steering- wheel, and the word of God navigating the way.
Self- control without God is only zealous and radical,
Anger without self-control is as dangerous as a truck on full speed with a monkey as a driver.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

By this you are conquered....

Over the past couple of years I have had this thought in regards to relationships....

If only in revenge I can forgive...
            then by that I have been conquered
If only in their suffering I can feel satisfied...
            then by that I have been conquered
If only in their pain I can release a grudge...
            then by that I have been conquered
If only in their death I can find some peace...
            then by death I have been conquered
If in the fact they are alive I can find peace..
              then by that I live
If in their comfort and well being I seek restitution...
              then by that I live
If in their hope I can be satisfied...
              then by that I live
If in their present situation I can forgive...
              then I live

But I think that this concept goes much further. In all aspects of life we set up boundaries and fences in places where they probably shouldn't be. We define our comfort zone and let that dictate our enjoyment and satisfaction in life. Our hope is in Christ. Our hope is to come.

If I am scared of the boogie man -
            then by the boogie man I have been conquered.
If I am crippled at the thought of natural disasters -
            then by those I have been conquered.
If I am caught up with the trappings of this world -
            then by those I have been conquered.
If I am terrified of violence and crime that might happen -
            then by that I have been conquered
If I am fixated on the happenings of the world and the dangers out there -
            then by those I have been conquered.
If only in perfect peace I can live... then by that ideal I am held.

What is are the dangers of this world if our hope is in Christ. Something that would become in between me and my eternal hope should be something that I am concerned about, and all others I should consider from that.
To be free! When I am not concerned about all these others things - I am free! I am free to be who God created me to be, I am free to worship him in all aspects of my life because I know my hope is greater that anything I can achieve by running away and trying to protect myself.  And, oh, how we will be free when we enter into eternity.

"Come to me all who are weary and heavy laden I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you for my yoke is easy and my burden is light."  - Matthew
Laying our burdens down - the worry, the grudges, the work, the stress and take up his. Love the Lord your God and Love your neighbour.

If I have my priorities correct, my first things first - maybe everything else will naturally fall into line.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Walking on a balance beam - taking sides


Pro- Something
Anti-Something else. 

Clear lines, 
black and white,




Shades of gray, 
Blurred lines,  

Support this - Ignore that...

Truth - We just want to expose the truth. To what extent will we go to support our cause and to debase the other? Many issues we face have people who would identify as pro - or anti- towards it.

Here is Israel - the Land Between, there are Pro-Israel and Pro-Palestine. Often people will come with certain ideas and notions about what they want to support and what they want to believe.  They come with their frame-work and they are looking to fill it with pictures. They want to hear stories that will fit with what they already think is 'truth'.

I'm not trying to say that there is no absolute truth. There is, and there always will be. But when it comes to these conflicts, there is often more involved than just one simple truth.

I feel like living here - is like living on a balance beam. There are people on both sides of the balance beam, and I want to reach out and take their hand - but I do not want them to pull me off of the beam. It is a balancing act, a challenge to not let you heart to be pulled by ones stories in a way that would automatically condemn the other.

In no way do I want to diminish the suffering and struggles that are experience on both sides of the conflict, at the hands of all governments involved. But neither I do not settle for simple answers that might alleviate suffering for one in turn for suffering of others.

We look to Jesus as our example. We quote the things he says and the actions he did. But what about the things that he didn't do? What about the opinions he didn't voice?

Jesus never condemned the Romans.

Jesus never condemned the occupying army with which the Jews had resisted for the the previous couple hundred year.

Jesus did say - Give to Cesar what is Cesar's.  (Matt 22:21)

Jesus did say - When you are forced to carry the burden one mile - carry it two.  (Matt. 5:41)

The Apostles Paul and Peter reiterates and states that we should submit to the government in authority. (Romans 13:1; 1 Peter 2:13)

So how does this translate to what we see happening on the ground? I don't know exactly. The longer I am here the more complicated it seems to become.

It will probably include submitting to the authority on both sides. In Israel I am accountable to their government and laws. In the West bank I am accountable to those in authority there, and on both sides they deserve the same respect and obedience.  Just because I don't agree with some of their injustices they do, doesn't mean that I can discount them completely.

There is one thing I am sure of - which will always be true. 
God loves the people on each side of this conflict.